I've had several lively discussions in the last few months about the possible implications of an increasingly automated society. As a designer of a system (Action Oriented Workflow) that is made to automate much of the completion of repetitive actions taken by employees in various lines of business this topic has been a focus of my analysis for nearly 10 years now. In the context of software designed to enable users to work on business critical object in applications designed for various verticals, this idea of automation requires the study of workflow interactions and business processes across multiple user and system interactions that can be distributed across the world. The problem space is huge and with AgilEntity platform I've created a solution that will generalize across verticals. The analog of AE in the physical realm though lies in the advances that are being made in the field of robots and the sister field AI, that is now enabling the creation of astonishingly li...
A chronicle of the things I find interesting or deeply important. Exploring generally 4 pillars of intense research. Dynamic Cognition (what every one else calls AI), Self Healing Infrastructures (how to build technological Utopia), Autonomous work routing and Action Oriented Workflow (sending work to the worker) and Supermortality (how to live...to arbitrarily long life spans by ending the disease of aging to death.)