The last two nights were spent completely focused on finalizing the implementation and testing of the guest private messages feature to the framework. I am happy to report it is complete and working exactly as I envisioned it should 10 days ago. Through the process I was thinking of the roller coaster ride of emotions that we go through when we are faced with a difficult challenge. Despite the fact that we might have previous experience addressing and vanquishing similar challenges when they are new the feeling we have inside to eliminate them fills our effort with focus. I was so focused at one point that the ring of the phone startled me to jump out of my seat, I didn't finish the final bug removal and testing of all options until 6 am. I had the same rage to master problems I've encountered when I was learning to illustrate human anatomy as well as in my current running hobby. In software, I just have difficulty getting to bed when I have a problem "alive", especially since I am at most 15 feet from a computer even when I am sleeping! I gather most problem solvers get similarly possessed when on the hunt for the optimal solution but I sure would like to know any stories you may have regarding how deep you get into your work when you are focused. Leave a comment and tell your story.
As the US economy continues to suffer the doldrums of stagnant investment in many industries, belt tightening budgets in many of the largest cities and continuous rounds of lay offs at some of the oldest of corporations, it is little comfort to those suffering through economic problems that what is happening now, has happened before. True, the severity of the downturn might have been different but the common factors of people and businesses being forced to do more with less is the theme of the times. Like environmental shocks to an ecosystem, stresses to the economic system lead to people hunkering down to last the storm, but it is instructive to realize that during the storm, all that idle time in the shelter affords people the ability to solve previous or existing problems. Likewise, economic downturns enable enterprising individuals and corporations the ability to make bold decisions with regard to marketing , sales or product focus that can lead to incredible gains as the economic ...