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Showing posts from December, 2012

Functionality stuffed into procedures...

The funny thing about "functional programming" to me is that when you compartmentalize the structure of your code in any language and do it very will naturally embrace a modular paradigm that combines functional and procedural pockets. In OO code for example, you often write procedural chunks inside atomic methods which you then invoke in a functional way against the method that one writes the code in and attaches to a given class. This is at the class programming stage. The functional aspect to the development of OO code then comes into place when the client programmers then take the created classes and put their methods and external program attributes together to create a highly (hopefully) function frame work for the solution of a general problem scope for the  given problem at hand. For example, if you want to write a class that allows you to perform a transformation of a geometrical object of the screen, you'd first create functional encapsulated re...

Simulating social for the heck of silly.

In a recent article : "At $16,000 each, the Beam isn't cheap. But Suitable Technologies says it was designed with features that make "pilots" and "locals" feel the remote worker is physically in the room: powerful speakers, highly sensitive microphones and robust wireless connectivity. The company began shipping Beams last month, mostly to tech companies with widely dispersed engineering teams, officials said. "Being there in person is really complicated—commuting there, flying there, all the different ways people have to get there. Beam allows you to be there without all that hassle," said CEO Scott Hassan, beaming in from his office at Willow Garage in nearby Menlo Park." -- My wager, and the reason I invented Action Oriented Workflow is that systems like this are simply continuing the inefficiency of the old paradigm of stateful work processes. This is silly, $16,000 per unit to try and simulate a social element that for many workers...