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"amway" proselyte leaves grafitti

In this post, I made an observation of the increase in the number of Amway commercials I'd been seeing since the economy started going sour. It makes sense that as people are being laid off that "businesses" like Amway, which sell the dream of "owning your own business" but in reality only want you to be a glorified salesman for Amway products will find a potential new flock of sheep to bring into the fold.

I did a bit of investigation and found that the negative responses to that original post all came from either anonymous accounts on blogger expressly created to send their objection or were made by Amway agents in disguise. Not exactly an unbiased crowd. The fact that actually making money requires lots of sales work on the members part that has nothing to do with the passion that they would ideally like to start a business in, is not the concern of Amway. If you'll notice that article was one of the few of my postings that received multiple comments. Some how the Amway evangelists found it and were compelled to preach the gospel, often with snide comments suggesting I read about the business before commenting. Obviously I read about Amway and even was once approached to witness one of their "church like" hotel events after being duped into thinking it would help me start MY business (software)...needless to say, it amazes me that the Amway proponents are such ravenous believers. A few days ago on one of my blog postings , out of the blue an Amway evangelist again responded. The thing is the recent blog post didn't mention Amway and had nothing to do with it, this is several months after the original Amway mail and somehow evangelists were finding my blog to attack random articles with spam! Really amazing, that said since the response was out of context with the message I deleted it, but I realize now I should have at least copied it to this new blog on the incident. It seems I've angered the Amway God's in some way, I don't mind having a legitimate discussion but please don't spam!
