The some times serendipitous finger of chaos Often it takes massive shocks to the collective social, economic and even geographic contexts of our living ecosystem for slowly smoldering truths to erupt as self evident. This was true with the emergence of the Nazi party from the crucible of a humiliated Germany post World War I coupled with depression era inflation and economic misery of the late 20's and early 30's. This was true of the cataclysm of pathogen invasion that attended the crossing of species from the Asian continental mass to the American mass during the last inter-glacial and is true today with the sudden appearance of a global pandemic in city centers all of the world after being decanted from the full bottle of natures bounty of pathogens through human action. The echoes of this black swan event as some call these unforeseen, unexpected and uncertain in scope shocks will reverberate in lives in a myriad of ways. Some immediately seen to be positive even a...
A chronicle of the things I find interesting or deeply important. Exploring generally 4 pillars of intense research. Dynamic Cognition (what every one else calls AI), Self Healing Infrastructures (how to build technological Utopia), Autonomous work routing and Action Oriented Workflow (sending work to the worker) and Supermortality (how to arbitrarily long life spans by ending the disease of aging to death.)