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Showing posts from October, 2017

Spatial prediction: Alpha Numeric musings to a more efficient mobile keyboard UX.

As an owner of a smart phone device, we have had to make compromises in terms of convenience of interacting with the device when it comes to keyboard entry. In comparison to a desktop keyboard or even a laptop keyboard the mobile devices of today and their touch screens with tiny virtual keys require new ways of using the limited real estate of the touch surface of these devices which will remain small in order to fullfill their roll as ideal devices for mobile utilization. One of the biggest compromises on mobile keyboards is the need to double or even triple up on key functions by using a toggle key. On physical keyboards this is done using "Shift" , "Control" or "Alt" pressed in combination but on mobile keyboards a single alternating option usually presents and that one separates the alphabetic characters on the keyboard from in general the numeric and symbolic characters. Another option is often to allow "long press" of a key to invoke t...