I've often touched on the topic around this articles thesis in my blog, here is a most recent post: http://sent2null.blogspot.com/2012/03/engineers-versus-programmers.html :for example. I've often said that engineering is an art while programming is more of a Science...unfortunately for those who are really good at programming...building big complex software is more art than Science. The differences are ones of scale, the biological analog serves purpose here to illustrate. A living being is an amazingly complex organism with billions of cells acting seemingly in harmony, together over the course of about 70 years for most people...these cells replicate, divide and grow without issue until the whole clock work comes grinding down to a halt under the effects of progressive degeneration. Yet the darn thing runs for 70 years, it is amazing that it works at all. Now that we are getting into the code that defines how cells are organized, replicate and grow...we see how. I...
A chronicle of the things I find interesting or deeply important. Exploring generally 4 pillars of intense research. Dynamic Cognition (what every one else calls AI), Self Healing Infrastructures (how to build technological Utopia), Autonomous work routing and Action Oriented Workflow (sending work to the worker) and Supermortality (how to live...to arbitrarily long life spans by ending the disease of aging to death.)