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Showing posts from May, 2013

ADA , On the road to dynamic cognition: How is Action Modeling equivalent to Biological stratification ?

It appears that the brain is a uniquely connected set of statistical processing units(SPU), functional memory storage modules that are connected via neurotransmitter mediated API like interfaces. A statistical processing unit is a processing module that emerges from connecting memory elements that have the ability to modulate output based on input and feedback up chain from output line or lines. The neurons and glial cells exhibit these properties. In biology the action potential firing process encodes the varied information related from other contiguous neurons tasked with processing some bit of sensory information. neurotransmitters provide the API or application programming interface through which groups of neurons fire or process data in concert. Each functional module describes a set of neurons providing some processing function for a given sensory data set. The neo cortex of most mammals is separated into regions loosely devoted to processing data from the visual, auditory, soma...

Supermortality: Oscillating senescence

In the series of posts I've been writing where I couch my analysis of the developing age of genetics in the form of hypothetical stories. I always wanted to create an illustration of precisely what it would be like for the people who become the first super mortals. What will the pattern of their chronological age or years of life look versus their genetic age as it is defined by the quality of their genetic information as it undergoes the degradation that is associated with the aging process? I always had the image in my mind but wanted to take some time to create an info graphic defining what most peoples lives will proceed as. Often the question has been asked "Will we be immortal" and that is ultimately the wrong question. Immortality inherently implies not only that one is impervious to death but that one is impervious to death precisely via the mechanisms of aging. This will never be the case for any human being living today and it is safe to say, that even for tho...

AI, robots, Action sensation....all in the same solution stew.

The image above, a plastinated human brain and central nervous system along with distributed nerves. It fascinates me that so many researcher or thinkers in the areas of machine learning and artificial intelligence are factoring out the importance of this distributed sensation and memory network in attempting to create highly agile and responsive intelligence's. We can see in fact hints at the need for externalized sensory capability in an intelligence when we look at the cutting edge techniques in robotics. In robotics the problem was approached for nearly 40 years with the idea that you can computationally determine all the necessary motions of external limbs in order to dynamically balance and ambulate walking robots...but it turned out that doing that top down approach was not only extremely difficult, requiring massive amounts of computational power...but it was also doomed to always be less efficient from a power utilization stand point as well as simply not nearly as de...